We have had numerous customers who want to save money and do as much as they can themselves. To that end we have tried to layout the steps, so anyone can accomplish this.

  • Step 1 - Obtain a Domain Name. This is where you lease your domain name that you are going to use (like WayGen.com). It is important that you secure this first! When registering for the domain name use the default name servers in place, or if they require you to enter two name servers use (ns1.waygen.com and ns2.waygen.com). You can use any domain name registrar or if you like you can use our affiliated site at www.affordablesite.com/domains.html.

  • Step 2 - Obtain hosting service. This is where you will put your files and data for viewing on the Internet. Go to our hosting page or ecommerce for more details. Once you sign up we will send you an introductory email normally within a couple of hours but it could take as long as 48 hours.

  • Step 3 - Once you get the introductory email it will have the name servers to use for your domain. Go back to where you registered the domain and change the name servers on your domain to match the ones in the email. It will take 24-48 hours for this information to propagate across the Internet (don't worry you do not have to do anything else for this to occur).

  • Step 4 - Create your web pages on your machine. If you are a novice you should create your web page in HTML. There are a lot of tutorials on the Internet and a lot of tools to do this. Two Free HTML editors are:
    1stPage2000 and Arachnophilia

  • Step 5 - You now have your web page (or pages) and are ready to put them on the web host's server. You do this via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Do not worry, it is a simple process. You just use an FTP client program and tell it to upload your files to the Web Host under your account. The information you need to setup the ftp client is: username (your username), password (your password), URL (ftp.yourdomain.com or ), and directory (public_html). Of course, you replace yourdomain with your actual domain name. If you name server information has not propagated to the Internet you might have to login as with your username and password, but the domain name would be ftp.waygen.com.
    A free FTP client is WS_FTP LE (free version)

  • Step 6- View and check your site. You can go to www.yourdomain.com in your browser and see what your site looks like (you would replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name). If your name server information has not propagated yet, you will have to use www.waygen.com/~username where username is your actual username.

  • Step 7 - Relax and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. You now have a web page on the Internet.